chest-abdominal breathing



It is formed around the “wharves” of the vertebral column and it involves the diaphragm, an involuntary muscle, and the serratus posterior, a voluntary muscle.

The chest-abdominal breathing is spontaneous and it is the most important organization to adjust, spontaneously, the CVP coordination. This is possible because the structure of this type of breathing is formed by the natural association between:
– the non conscious and the conscious
– the involuntary and the voluntary movements
– the autonomic neurovegetative nervous system and the central nervous system

This type of structure is what allows the chest-abdominal breathing to adjust the physical and psychic interdependence among all the activities of the five oseis + and -, as well as to show the exact state of the CVP and the degree of blockage reached by its spontaneous manifestation.
For example, the chest-abdominal breathing tenses and gets shorter as a result of some external problem that is troubling us. When this problem has been solved, this type of breathing relaxes and gets longer.

When deep breathing comes from the lower part of the abdomen and the chest expands in a natural way, we find psychic calm and physical health. Western and eastern traditional medicine knew that sick people who had some kind of physical or psychic disorders could not breath well.

Since today’s research on our organism is focused on biochemistry, some people claim that oxygen is the most important thing in our lives.
From the osei’s perspective what is crucial in our lives is the breathing movement made by our organisms. If this specific type of movement fails, all the oxygen in the countryside or in the mountains will be useless.



The width of the chest-abdominal breathing is subject to the flexibility of the diaphragm,
which is organized around the “warf” of vertebral column’s curvatures


Life is based on the width between some strong tension and some deep relaxation. Nevertheless, when some tissues get permanently overexcited the width of our chest-abdominal breathing gets dramatically reduced. This disorder always takes place in conjunction with the EPT (Excessive Partial Tension) in vertebra Th7 that sits at mid level of the diaphragm, where all movements meet. The absence of this width in our breathing is responsible for our physical and psychic health problems.

The observation of the state of those organisms that had lost this width in their breathing lead chinese medicine (assimilated by Japanese traditional medicine) to establish fourteen meridians (plus six extra meridians) which were called “ancient energetic channels”. Chinese medicine’s diagnosis and healing methods are based on these meridians.

The osei framework can show us very clearly what these meridians are.

The last two meridians, only described in the CVP, are medullar and static:
• The general dorsal (13) is part of the medullar f-e region, vertical osei.
• The general ventral (14) is part of the medullar f-e region, central osei.
These meridians describe some areas of the medullar vertical and central oseis together with their respective biological activities: planning and cell regenerating.

Meridians 1-12, which are described both in the CVP and in its extremities, are peripheral and dynamic:
• The bright yang of the hand, the bright yang of the foot, the dark yin of the hand, and the dark yin of the foot are part of the peripheral bilateral region, the lateral osei.
• The major yang of the hand, the major yang of the foot, the major yin of the hand, and the major yin of the foot are part of the peripheral f-e region, frontal osei.
• The minor yang of the hand, the minor yang of the foot, the minor yin of the hand, and the minor yin of the foot are part of the peripheral circular region, the rotary osei.
These three series of meridians describe some areas of the oseis belonging to the peripheral structure of the CVP together with their respective biological activities of the vital oven: assimilatory-circulatory, combustive-respiratory, and excretory activities.


Meridians: bright yang of the hand, bright yang of the foot, dark yin of the hand, and dark yin of the foot.
They describe one part of the peripheral bilateral region, lateral osei



The osei framework shows how the fourteen meridians describe the interconnection that exists among those areas in the organism that each one of the oseis has formed. As a result, the following relation with western knowledge is possible:

Recent scientific research on the development of the embryo enables us to observe the appearance of five embryonic cellular groups, which correspond to the five oseis. This research also allows us to observe how the action of each one of these cell groups forms different parts of the organism.
The development of each embryonic cell group takes place by following exactly those ancient vital energetic channels discovered by chinese medicine thousands of years ago.

The way chinese medicine starts any healing process is by holding some short circuit in the vital intercommunication of the meridians responsible for some health problem and for the blockage of the chest-abdominal breathing width. The healing methods used by chinese medicine focus on the way to fix this short circuit and to restore the appropriate and vital coordination.

The discovery of the osei and of the osei framework tells us that the short circuit observed by Chinese medicine shows that the CVP coordination has been lost due to the blockage-dissociation of its spontaneous movement.

human psyche and desire



Life is manifested through a continuous alternation between tension and relaxation. Death occurs when this movement stops. Life responds to its own internal and external needs by activating one of the five oseis in a continuous and absolute interdependence with the other four. We will call this natural activation, which is autonomous and autogenous, A tension. This A tension can relax only when the vital need that originated it has been fulfilled.

In any species with CVP, the A tension triggers the activation, in a natural and conjoint way, of one of its five major organic systems including its biological function, its series of muscles, and its brain area together with its inherent psychic activity. The psychic activity does only arise in the human being. One million years ago, the human species began to make tools, an event that revealed the appearance of the outbreak of the conscious or consciousness.

One of the consequences of this outbreak was that the vital energy was not used exclusively to merely survive in a given time and situation but to increase the brain or psychic activity. As a consequence, the volume of the brain of the first hominids grew three times as large in only one million years.

The progressive process of energy conversion took place in conjunction with another exceptional and unprecedented process in the evolution of the species: the structural stability of the head. The human head sits on the CVP axis keeping its equilibrium on its own. This is possible thanks to the special horizontal formation of the articulation of the cranium with the first cervical vertebra in the f-e plane.
About fifty thousand years ago, the formation of the head was completed in the homo sapiens sapiens at the same time that his hands got free, he stood on two legs and feet, the structure of his pelvis became circular and horizontal, and the sole of his feet had three points of support.
We will use the concept f-e cranial balance to refer to this set of transformations undergone by our ancestor, the homo sapiens sapiens.
The f-e cranial balance was the completion of an evolutionary process of the nervous system and of the brain, which can be clearly seen in the vertebrates. For the first time in the history of evolution, the brain and psychic activity could be neatly perceived and expressed in a way that was both unique and revolutionary, and which have enabled us to acquire different types of learning and to create culture. La manifestación de la vida es una alternancia constante entre la tensión y la distensión o relajación. Cuando cesa este movimiento, sobreviene la muerte. Para responder a las necesidades vitales, tanto internas como externas, se activa alguna osei, siempre en una absoluta interdependencia con las restantes.


The f-e cranial balance



As a result of this special psychic activity, the A tension in the human being is intense and complex when compared to the same type of tension in the other species. We will call this A tension, desire.

Desire is the complex representation or expression of the vital needs of our organisms, their A tension, in the psyche of the human being. This A tension is channelled through any one of the five oseis, both in their active (-) or passive (-) modalitiesas shown below:

the A vertical tension arouses the desire to think
the A frontal tension   the desire to act
the A lateral tension   the desire to communicate
the A rotatory tension   the desire to fight
the A central tension   the desire to love





The A tension channelled through the vertical osei arouses the desire to think; the desire to act mentally; the desire to communicate by giving explanations; the desire to fight by reasoning; the desire to love philosophy.

The A tension channelled through the frontal osei arouses the desire to act; the desire to think about the way to reach a goal as soon as possible; the desire to communicate through the success of the results; the desire to fight through the efficiency of one’s actions; the desire to love the feeling that one is moving forward.

The A tension channelled through the lateral osei arouses the desire to communicate through what is pleasant; the desire to think about the way to join what is trendy; the desire to act in order to have a good time about; the desire to fight by using one’s external beauty; the desire to love the feeling of being in company of others.

The A tension channelled through the rotary osei arouses the desire to fight; the desire to think about the way to enlarge or defend one’s own property; the desire to act in order to watch over every single thing that one owns; the desire to communicate by showing off one’s possessions; the desire to love the feeling of how important is everything that one owns.

The A tension channelled through the central osei arouses the desire to love; the desire to think of each one of the members of one’s own family; the desire to act according to one’s own internal vibrations and which enable us to feel those of the other or those in the universe; the desire to communicate with people and things from the nucleus of the inner self; the desire not to fight but rather to trust or to hate.

The manifestation of each one of these desires also involves “the manifestation of some intense
           susceptibility, preoccupation, and fear
about a possible failure in attaining the aimed desire”. These feelings lie in a specific dimension of the spontaneous psyche.

five oseis + and –



The action of the vertical osei + and – (I and II) in the CVP activates the central nervous system and its biological planing activity, the expression of the contemplative or observant psyche, and the upward movement. When this osei tenses, the CVP gets erect and leans slightly forward pulling the neck upward. When it is relaxed, the CVP is drawn downward and slightly backward. This osei operates, essentially, from the head-neck and from the cranial cavity.

The sensitivity of the vertical osei focuses on the vertical dimension of the world and it captures (either active-extrovert in + and passive-introvert in -) the high and low of the wave, the space as a whole, distant time, and the highest amount and most diverse information that is possible (see figure below).

vertical osei


tension distension

The action of the frontal osei in the CVP activates the motor-combustive system and its biological metabolic-respiratory activity, the expression of the pragmatic or efficient psyche, and the execution of the unidirectional forward movement. When this osei tenses, the CVP straightens up and it is projected forward and slightly upward pulling the shoulders up. When it is relaxed, the CVP leans backward pulling the shoulders down. This osei operates, essentially, from the shoulders and from the chest cavity.

The sensitivity of the frontal osei focuses on the frontal dimension of the world and it captures (either in an active and extrovert or passive and introvert way) the rhythm as forward movement of the wave, the direction in space or linear space, the immediate future, and the most straight and shortest way spending the minimum amount of time that is possible.

frontal osei


tension distension

The action of the lateral osei + and – (III and IV) in the CVP activates the digestive-circulatory system and its biological assimilatory- circulatory activity, the expression of the emotional or mediating psyche, and the execution of the left-right movement. When this osei tenses, the CVP leans to one side and it relaxes by leaning the CVP towards the opposite side. This osei operates, essentially, from the mid area of the back and from the abdominal cavity.

The sensitivity of the lateral osei is focused on the lateral dimension of the world and it captures (either in an active and extrovert or a passive and introvert way) the pitch or natural harmonic of the wave, the indefiniteness of space and time or “about here and there” in relation to what is pleasant or unpleasant, the communication-togetherness with friends and colleagues, having a good or a bad time, feeling lively and happy or discouraged and unhappy.

lateral osei


tension distension

The action of the rotary osei + and ´(VII and VIII) in the CVP activates the excretory system and its biological excretory activity, the expression of the competitive or conclusive psyche, and the execution of the torsion (twisting) movement. When this osei tenses, the CVP twists against one side and it relaxes by untwisting the CVP towards the opposite side. This osei operates, essentially, from the waist and from the urinary cavity.

The sensitivity of the rotary osei focuses on the rotary dimension of the world and it captures (either in an active and extrovert or a passive and introvert way) the variable intensity of the wave, the immediate space and time around us, the minimum vital space or one’s own territory, the pressure of the stimuli close to us, and the need to fight these stimuli or to defend oneself from them.


rotatory osei


tension distension

The action of the central osei + and – (IX and X) in the CVP activates the reproductive system and its biological activity of cell regeneration, the expression of the affective or absolute psyche, and the execution of the inward-outward movement (multidirectional) . When this osei tenses, the CVP compacts towards its centre, downward and slightly forward. It relaxes by projecting the CVP outward, upward, and slightly backward. This osei operates, essentially, from the hips and from the pelvic girdle.

The sensitivity of the central osei focuses on the central dimension of the world and it captures (either in an active-introvert in + and passive-extrovert in -way) the density of the wave, the infiniteness of time and space, the inner self, the external stimuli that penetrate this self, the multidirectional and absolute force of the union with the nucleus of another being, other beings in need of vital help (and above all our own children), life and death.

central osei


tension distension


The activation or any of the five oseis playing a predominant role depends on a given moment and situation. For example, a mammal rises its neck-head to respond to some far away stimulus; it straightens and leans its CVP forward to move on; it moves its CVP laterally when it feels happy; it fights against an intruder by using the torsion strength of its CVP; or it compacts its CVP when it is in heat.

On the other hand, this activation also depends on the different conditioning we have undergone throughout our lives. This conditioning is greater in the human being due to the special learning capacity inherent in the nature of the homo sapiens sapiens as well as to the fact that every individual is born having some oseis as predominant. We will call this inborn predominance of some oseis, taiheki.


                  The percepcion of space according to each osei




vertical osei






frontal osei







lateral osei







rotatory osei






central osei


psyche stemmed from organism



Cellular psyche

Only a few weeks after fertilization has taken place, the thousands of cells generated by the fertilized cell form five different types of initial cell groups. Since these groups correspond to each one of the five oseis we will call them: cells I-II, vertical osei; cells III-IV, bilateral osei, cells V-VI, frontal osei; cells VII -VIII, rotary osei; cells IX-X, central osei.

Each embryonic cell group deploys the movement specific to the osei that formed it in each one of the multiple and complex moves they make. Each cell group creates new cells that will form the tissues, the cavities, and the organic systems corresponding to its specific osei. Their cell associations show some specific behaviour, perception, memory, and intelligence that we will call cellular psyche.

Cells I-II form the neurons of the nervous system. They are in charge of interpreting and coordinating different types of information so that a general planning function will arise. To achieve this objective, these cells keep some distance from the other cells. This type of behaviour enables them to grasp information as a whole from some distance. They associate among themselves following a strict hierarchical order. They also form the sight, the only sense that can perceive stimuli without having any contact with them.
The type of cellular psyche that arises from the upward movement and medullar-static quality of these cells is observant, distant, and hierarchical. We will call it, contemplative cellular psyche.

Cells V-VI form the cells of the muscular-motor and respiratory system. They are in charge of the combustive or metabolic function. They know that this function must be efficient and completed within the shortest time possible through the fastest and shortest route. Thus, the route chosen by these cells to carry out their task is unidirectional, it goes from the origin of the muscles to their insertions, from the origin of the respiratory pathways to their destinations, and they never take any detour. These cells perform their task in a precise way and they use space very efficiently.
The type of cellular psyche that arises from the unidirectional forward movement and the peripheral-dynamic quality of these cells is unidirectional, practical, and efficient. We will call it, pragmatic cellular psyche.

Cells III-IV form the cells of the assimilatory-circulatory system and they are in charge of delivering the food throughout the organism. To carry out this task they act according to the sense of taste and they associate among themselves through a bilateral intercommunicative net which enables the organism to attain a continuous state of liveliness. These cells are not concerned about efficiency or hierarchical order but about the state of contentment or discontentment of the cells. They know how to play the role of mediator by enabling the different parts of the organism to communicate with each other.
The type of cellular psyche that arises from the left-right movement and the peripheral-dynamic quality of these cells is the taste driven, communicative and mediating cellular psyche. We will call it, emotional cellular psyche.

Cells VII-VIII form the cells of the excretory system and they are in charge of the excretory function. They know how to make out their own space or territory by sorting out the substances that are harmful to the organism, by checking the selection they made, by throwing out the intruder, by keeping in check the pressure and strength applied in these tasks, by cleaning the organism, and by protecting it from its enemies.
The type of cellular psyche that arises from the rotating movement and the peripheral-dynamic quality of these cells is combative, territorial, and conclusive. We will call it, competitive cellular psyche.

Cells IX-X form the cells of the reproductive, cell regenerator, and subjacent connective system. Their intense vitality enables them to be aware of both life and death and thus, they are able to carry out the regeneration of cells. They know how to establish multidirectional intercellular contacts to bring together the different parts of the organism, to enable the cells to communicate from nucleus to nucleus so that and intimate cell-to-cell communication can take place, they are also responsible for the perpetuation of the species. They carry out their tasks quietly, hiding within the different tissues, and they only express themselves overtly at the right moment.
The type of cellular psyche that arises from the multidirectional movement and the medullar-static quality of these cells is intimate, profound, and absolute. We will call it affective cellular psyche.

The psyche

In the vertebrates, the different cellular psyches shown above are coordinated within their brains and they show up in the different brain activities, thus forming the psyche of the organism or of the living being.

The psyche coordinates and expresses the different internal and external vital needs of the five major organic systems. Both this coordination and this expression are carried out through the spinal cord or the spinal nerves (internal information) and through the five senses or the five cranial nerves (external information).
The psyche and its brain activity are not independent from the different activities and movements in each living being’s organism. Just the opposite, they are absolutely interrelated with them. They are one of the activities of the osei.

breakthrough: osei framework



The absolute interdependence of the actions of the oseis in the CVP brings out some of their essential characteristics that could not be seen when looking at each osei separately. These characteristics are:

Medullar-static oseis and peripheral-dynamic oseis

The medullar quality is characteristic of the vertical (I and II) and the central (IX and X) oseis. The former osei forms the cranial cavity, the latter the pelvic cavity and both are linked by an axis. Their movements are static, namely, they allow us to remain apparently still. On the other hand, the peripheral quality is inherent in the frontal (V and VI), lateral (III and IV), and rotary (VII and VIII) oseis. These oseis form the chest, digestive, and urinary cavities, respectively. They are organized around the medullar structure of the CVP and they form the “vital oven of the organism”. Their movements are dynamic, namely, they allow us to move in the space.

F-e oseis, bilateral osei and circular oseis

The vertical and frontal oseis act in the f-e plane – flexor-extensor or anterior-posterior. The lateral osei acts in the bilateral plane, perpendicular to the f-e plane. The rotary and central oseis act in a circular way, from the f-e plane to the bilateral plane and the other way round.


green: f-e plane
red: bilateral plane
ochre: circular way


pelvis3colores pies3colores


The three regions of the CVP

The osei has structured the CVP into three regions, according to the plane-dimension where the five actions take place:

The f-e region of the vertical (f-e medullar and static) and frontal (f-e peripheral and dynamic) oseis occupies “the cranial and caudal extremes”, in the general CVP: head and chest-shoulders cavity, coccyx tip, and the femur-coxal area; at each curve of the vertebral column: cervical vertebrae C1-C2, thoracic vertebrae Th1-Th4 and Th12, lumbar vertebrae L1 and L5.

The bilateral region of the lateral osei (bilateral peripheral and dynamic) takes up “the mid area”, in the general CVP: digestive cavity; at each curve of the vertebral column: cervical vertebra C4, thoracic vertebrae Th6-Th9, lumbar vertebra L2.

The circular region, of the rotary (circular peripheral and dynamic) and central (circular medullar and static) oseis, occupies the “intermediate areas” between the extremes and the medial part and, especially, “the penultimate area”, in the general CVP: urinary and pelvic cavities; at each curve of the vertebral column: cervical vertebrae C3 and C5-C6, thoracic vertebrae Th5 and Th10-Th11, lumbar vertebrae L3-L4.



Whereas fish and reptiles move in the bilateral way mainly, mammals and birds move, chiefly, in the f-e plane. This kind of difference was crucial in the evolutionary process of the species since it allowed mammals and birds to develop their brains. This was possible due to the fact that the general movement of their CVPs took place in the same f-e plane, the site of the nervous system, which is always placed in a foremost and upper position in any living being. The human being’s vertebral column is one of the most important manifestations of this evolutionary process. Its curves are extremely important and they are defined, mainly, in the f-e plane. Thus, the following actions take place at each curve of the vertebral column (although any one vertebral articulation responds to all movements):


 The f-e action is greater in the cranial and caudal extremes, f-e region (green)
The bilateral action can only be greater in the
mid area, bilateral region (red).
The circular action takes place in the intermediate areas,
between the extremes of the mid area, especially in the penultimate area(with the necessary strength to form the base), circular region (ochre).



The thorny apophysis of the vertebra indicates the region to which it belongs:

they define the plane f-e    /      they avoid to define    /     intermediate aspect


The formation of the vertebral column as described above is complete in the thoracic and cervical curves and it is simplified at the lumbar curve. It defines the formation of the brain and it is embodied in the formation of the limbs or extremities. Actually, this brain formation reproduces the very three regions shown in the general CVP.


F-e region Frontal, parietal, and occipital encephalic lobes, medulla oblongata and the anterior-superior area of the mesencephalon; cranial nerves I-III and X-XI
cranial extreme and caudal extreme or medulla oblongata cerebro_verde
Bilateral region Insular encephalic lobe, limbic area and posterior-inferior area of the mesencephaloncranial; cranial nerves IV and V
mid part cerebro_rojo
Circular region Temporal encephalic lobe, cerebellum and occipital protuberance; cranial nerves VI-IX and part of nerve V
punultimate place cerebro_ocre


This is a historical discovery made by Haruchika Noguchi about:

  • the structure of the spontaneous movement or of the osei made up by the five oseis + and -, oseis I-X;
  • the structure of the interrelation among different activities of the oseis in the living beings.

This type of structure, inherent in any type of physical, biological, psychic, or social existence, is a new universal model or paradigm that we will call osei framework.

CVP, vital of the organism



Throughout the evolution of the species, each osei has fostered the formation of an organic system with its corresponding biological activity and a specific psychic activity with its corresponding brain area. The same type of formation takes place in the embryo: each osei generates a type of initial cells which will form a specific organic system together with its biological activity and the psyche inherent in its own cell associations.

In the organism of both the human being and the vertebrates, the absolute interrelation between the five oseis, their five basic movements, their five major organic systems, their biological, psychic, and brain activities, has created a structure that governs the organism and which we will call the CVP:

C as in Cranium, V as in Vertebra, P as in Pelvis.

The CVP is made of the following parts, which are totally interdependent on each other (the existence of any one of them requires its connexion with the others):


cavity zone center of the system osei
blue cranial head nervous vertical
green chest shoulders motor-combustive frontal
red digestive abdomen digestive-circulatory lateral
ochre urinari waist excretory rotatory
violet pelvic hips reproductve-conjunctive central





The fact that culture has no other concepts than head and trunk or brain and body has lead us to understand that the head governs the trunk or that the brain governs the body. It is true that the brain (nervous system) displays the different cell activities of the different organic systems as well as those of their own psyches and coordinates all of them. Nevertheless, the brain does not govern the organism.

Actually, the formation and development of the head and the brain was a long process in the history of evolution and this formation was fostered by the organisms of the species involved in such process. The CVP represents the life of the organism and it is formed by the million of cells in the head-trunk-extremities.

When the CVP executes each one of the five movements, the following parts of the organism get activated: the muscles inherent in each osei and the vertebra specific to each curve of the vertebral column, the organs in each one of the body cavities and the corresponding areas of the nervous system and of the brain together with the psyche specific to each osei. The CVP also operates as required its extremities (arms-hands and legs-feet in the human being; legs in the quadrupeds; wings and legs in the owls; fins in the fish), according to the external needs.

The action of the every osei in the human pelvis


The action of the every osei on the plant of the feets



The CVP represents our organisms because it is the highest organization of all their cellular associations. Moreover, it is the structure that governs our lives since it involves the five modalities of life expression and its five capacities of reaction, the five oseis + and – (I-X), all of them tightly interrelated and dependent on each other.

spontaneus movement, osei



Our organism is not a bundle of cells, tissues, and organs. It is a living being that is formed following a rigourous order, the result of million of years of evolution. It has the capacity to react to different situations in order to keep its own vital balance, it can also adapt to the environment and transform it. Our organism responds to these situations, both internal and external, as a unit because its different activities are completely and absolutely interdependent.

Haruchika Noguchi showed that this capacity of our organism to respond to different situations as a unit arises from the 5 universal movements in + and in –, whether they are under tension or distension. These movements act throughout the different energetic activities (motor, biological, and psychic) of the living being and they form the spontaneous movement.

Osei is the organism’s natural capacity of reaction through the absolute interrelation of its different energetic activities. The osei comprises five oseis + and -, which are the different ways life is manifested.

The vertical osei + and -– (oseis I and II) is essential in the formation of the nervous system and of the sight. It establishes the natural interrelation between:
– the upward movement
– the planning biological activity
– the contemplative or observant psychic activity

The frontal osei + and – (oseis V and VI) is essential in the formation of the muscular-respiratory system and the sense of smell. It establishes the natural interrelation between:
– the unidirectional forward movement
– the metabolic-respiratory biological activity
– the pragmatic or efficient psychic activity

The lateral osei + and – (oseis III and IV) is essential in the formation of the digestive-circulatory system and the sense of taste. It establishes the natural interrelation between:
– the left-right movement
– the assimlatory-circulatory biological activity
– the emotional or mediator psychic activity

The rotary osei + and – (oseis VII and VIII) is essential in the formation of the excretory system and the sense of hearing. It establishes the natural interrelation between:
– the twisting or torsion movement
– the excretory biological activity
– the competitive or resolute psychic activity

The central osei + and – (oseis IX and X) is essential in the formation of the reproductive-subjacent connective system and the sense of touch. It establishes the natural interrelation between:
– the inward-outward movement
– the biological activity of cell regeneration
– the affective or absolute psychic activity




upward movement, vertical osei




unidirectional forward
movement, frontal osei




left-right movement, lateral osei




torsion movement, rotary osei




inward-outward movement,
central osei

                  anterior view           left lateral view         superior view





The action of the five movements or oseis on the human pelvis


Osei and oseis can be translated into English as reactivity or reactivities. This term is used in Physics, Chemistry, and Psychology to refer to different things. Thus, we use the Japanese word Osei, which has no plural form in this language, so as to avoid any confusion.

forgotten human nature



It is a top priority that we respect the environment and that we get to know and respect the life of the human organism and its spontaneous manifestation better.

Over thousands of years, we have accumulated vast and sound knowledge about human life. Nevertheless,
Western knowledge has tackled this issue from an analytical perspective while improving its knowledge about each one of the activities in our organisms. On the other hand, eastern knowledge never lost sight of the unity of body and mind in the human being but it has never been concerned about making a rigourous distinction among these activities.
Consequently, neither eastern nor western cultures have ever been able to explain the way the interrelation among the different energetic activities in our organisms – motor, biological, and psychic – takes place.

On the other hand,
We have been witnessing for the last fifty years how western science knowledge has been implemented massively in every society, culture, and all over the world. Although, this may be considered an extraordinary accomplishment in may ways, never before human nature has undergone such manipulation or interference.

In conclusion,
Both western and eastern Human Culture have taught us, through different ways, how to dominate our own nature but it has not taught us how to understand our own spontaneous manifestations, the direct expression of
the life of our special organisms,

  • which gave birth to us, raised, and keeps us alive in an indivisible union between psyche-soma, voluntary-involuntary, conscious-non-conscious;

which has also allowed us to learn and create culture, progress and knowledge, by communicating through all of them;

  • which is specific in each one of us;
  • which is the source of human behaviour, human conflicts, and our life-health.

Since no human language has the exact words to identify the natural interrelation among the different activities in our organisms, human beings find it difficult

  • to perceive that the blockage-dissociation in these activities is the chief internal cause of our health problems
  • and to feel the need to solve them.

The seitai culture offers us some simple practice and some new knowledge about our organisms. Both are fundamental and revolutionary and they allow us to attend to and understand this forgotten human nature as well as to learn from its spontaneous manifestation.