The action of the vertical osei + and – (I and II) in the CVP activates the central nervous system and its biological planing activity, the expression of the contemplative or observant psyche, and the upward movement. When this osei tenses, the CVP gets erect and leans slightly forward pulling the neck upward. When it is relaxed, the CVP is drawn downward and slightly backward. This osei operates, essentially, from the head-neck and from the cranial cavity.
The sensitivity of the vertical osei focuses on the vertical dimension of the world and it captures (either active-extrovert in + and passive-introvert in -) the high and low of the wave, the space as a whole, distant time, and the highest amount and most diverse information that is possible (see figure below).
vertical osei
tension distension
The action of the frontal osei in the CVP activates the motor-combustive system and its biological metabolic-respiratory activity, the expression of the pragmatic or efficient psyche, and the execution of the unidirectional forward movement. When this osei tenses, the CVP straightens up and it is projected forward and slightly upward pulling the shoulders up. When it is relaxed, the CVP leans backward pulling the shoulders down. This osei operates, essentially, from the shoulders and from the chest cavity.
The sensitivity of the frontal osei focuses on the frontal dimension of the world and it captures (either in an active and extrovert or passive and introvert way) the rhythm as forward movement of the wave, the direction in space or linear space, the immediate future, and the most straight and shortest way spending the minimum amount of time that is possible.
frontal osei
tension distension
The action of the lateral osei + and – (III and IV) in the CVP activates the digestive-circulatory system and its biological assimilatory- circulatory activity, the expression of the emotional or mediating psyche, and the execution of the left-right movement. When this osei tenses, the CVP leans to one side and it relaxes by leaning the CVP towards the opposite side. This osei operates, essentially, from the mid area of the back and from the abdominal cavity.
The sensitivity of the lateral osei is focused on the lateral dimension of the world and it captures (either in an active and extrovert or a passive and introvert way) the pitch or natural harmonic of the wave, the indefiniteness of space and time or “about here and there” in relation to what is pleasant or unpleasant, the communication-togetherness with friends and colleagues, having a good or a bad time, feeling lively and happy or discouraged and unhappy.
lateral osei
tension distension
The action of the rotary osei + and ´(VII and VIII) in the CVP activates the excretory system and its biological excretory activity, the expression of the competitive or conclusive psyche, and the execution of the torsion (twisting) movement. When this osei tenses, the CVP twists against one side and it relaxes by untwisting the CVP towards the opposite side. This osei operates, essentially, from the waist and from the urinary cavity.
The sensitivity of the rotary osei focuses on the rotary dimension of the world and it captures (either in an active and extrovert or a passive and introvert way) the variable intensity of the wave, the immediate space and time around us, the minimum vital space or one’s own territory, the pressure of the stimuli close to us, and the need to fight these stimuli or to defend oneself from them.
rotatory osei
tension distension
The action of the central osei + and – (IX and X) in the CVP activates the reproductive system and its biological activity of cell regeneration, the expression of the affective or absolute psyche, and the execution of the inward-outward movement (multidirectional) . When this osei tenses, the CVP compacts towards its centre, downward and slightly forward. It relaxes by projecting the CVP outward, upward, and slightly backward. This osei operates, essentially, from the hips and from the pelvic girdle.
The sensitivity of the central osei focuses on the central dimension of the world and it captures (either in an active-introvert in + and passive-extrovert in -way) the density of the wave, the infiniteness of time and space, the inner self, the external stimuli that penetrate this self, the multidirectional and absolute force of the union with the nucleus of another being, other beings in need of vital help (and above all our own children), life and death.
central osei
tension distension
The activation or any of the five oseis playing a predominant role depends on a given moment and situation. For example, a mammal rises its neck-head to respond to some far away stimulus; it straightens and leans its CVP forward to move on; it moves its CVP laterally when it feels happy; it fights against an intruder by using the torsion strength of its CVP; or it compacts its CVP when it is in heat.
On the other hand, this activation also depends on the different conditioning we have undergone throughout our lives. This conditioning is greater in the human being due to the special learning capacity inherent in the nature of the homo sapiens sapiens as well as to the fact that every individual is born having some oseis as predominant. We will call this inborn predominance of some oseis, taiheki.
The percepcion of space according to each osei
vertical osei
frontal osei
lateral osei
rotatory osei
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